1. Bioniq
  2. Subscription
  3. Bioniq PRO Subscription

Do you offer packages for Bioniq PRO?

Bioniq PRO offers members the option of a package or subscription.

Bioniq PRO packages can be ordered by members located in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman. The 3-month starter package is valid for three months and requires an upfront payment, with no automatic renewal involved.

Discover your Bioniq PRO package bundles here.

Below is what you will receive as part of your Bioniq PRO 3-month package:

  • A 100% customized supplement formula with tailored dosages based on your blood test.

  • 90-day supply of your custom-blended supplement formula

  • 90-day supply of Omega-3 in your preferred choice: Fish Oil or Vegan (Algal Oil)

  • A 1:1 online consultation with a nutritionist help you understand the correlation between your lifestyle habits and health markers.

  • Access to the Bioniq app to review your analyzed results, formula recipe, and nutritional recommendations.

  • Complimentary Bioniq PRO travel canister

Here is also a little snippet of what to expect.