1. Bioniq
  2. Subscription
  3. Bioniq PRO Subscription

How do I cancel my Bioniq PRO subscription?

To request a subscription cancellation, you must email pro@bioniq.com before your subscription renewal date.

Bioniq PRO members can also freeze their subscription for up to 3 months in a calendar year. This request must be sent to pro@bioniq.com with your registered email address before your subscription renewal date.

Here's how the subscription works:

  • We ship a 90-day (quarterly) supply every 90 days.
  • We split the billing into 3 monthly payments, scheduled on the same day of the month. This means we will have shipped the 2nd and 3rd months of your supplement before we bill you for them. 
  • Subscriptions auto-renew every 90 days (quarterly).
  • We will automatically ship your next 90-day batch unless you contact us to cancel your subscription.
  • Subscriptions have a minimum commitment of 90-days. 

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